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AROLDI Danilo & Corrado / Stilnovo

Periscopio adjustable desk light

Desk light, original edition, first version with a vice base from 1966 before the table base version from 1968). Read 1001 lights, Taschen p. 444-445.
Height : around 60cm unfolded, 40cm folded. Diameter : 4,5cm
With a special bulb, Cornalux type included.
450 € 360 €


A thrilling sculptural light which evokes a periscope designed by Aroldi brothers in 1966 for the famous italian editor Stilnovo.

This lamp belonged to the mythic MOMA 1972 exhibition : « Italy : The New Domestic Landscape. »

Metal enameled red tube with normal marks of use. Rubber joint is used but the light works perfectly. A good condition for this rare original edition with design special bulb included.