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Neapolitan school 19th century
The Vesuvius eruption from 31st march 1871, at the moonlight, from the lighthouse of Napoli

Neapolitan school 19th century
Castellammare di Stabia bay veduta

Neapolitan school 19th century
Scylla bay and its castle, italian veduta

Neoclassic school, attributed to Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes (1750-1819), end of 18th century – begin of 19th
Classical landscape with shepherdess, antiques monuments among trees and mountain, Italy or Arcadie

Neoclassic school, XVIIIth, By a Poussin follower, circle of Joseph-Marie Vien or Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes
Imposant allegorical landscape in a antique nature decorum from 18th century, near of Jourdain (Baniyas) french neoclassicism school influenced by Poussin
A magnificent neoclassic landscape, maybe Baniyas, from the circle... Read more

Swiss School 19th century, 1830 (dated on the back)
Miniature - La cascade de Pissevache, Valais, Switzerland

Venitian School, 19th, Giacomo Favretto and Ciardi circle, circa 1870
Veduta of Venice, a gondola maybe near Grand Canal

Venitian School, 19th, Giacomo Favretto and Ciardi circle, circa 1870
Veduta of Venice, venitian people and boaton a rio near a palace

Edgar. P. Jacobs
Blake et Mortimer, L'Affaire du Collier, Édition Originale belge de 1967
Edgar. P. Jacobs Blake et Mortimer L’Affaire du Collier Édition... Read more

Edmé QUENEDEY (1756-1830)
Portrait au physionotrace d’un aristocrate, fin XVIIIe, Époque Révolution

Edmé QUENEDEY (1756-1830)
Portrait of a cadogan man drawn and engraved by Quenedey, rue neuve des Petits-Champs n°1284 à Paris

Edmé QUENEDEY (1756-1830)
Portrait of woman under 1st french Empire by Quenedey, rue neuve des Petits-Champs n°15 à Paris 1811
Physionotrace drawn and engraved by Edmé Quenedey in good... Read more
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